Meet the owner and creator of J's Royal Creations

First and foremost, thanks for coming by to check out what I have to offer. Your time is valued and certainly appreciated. 

Now a little about myself and how the business came about. My name is Jamilyah and in Arabic it means beautiful, so what's more fitting than a name with Royal in it. Right? So, J's Royal creations came about in name because my favorite color is purple, and I love the mesh up between gold and purple the colors of royalty. I combined my love for creating things and working with my hands, thus J's Royal Creations was born. All items are handmade and crafted locally here in North Carolina. 

I'm a mom of two, my son tragically passed away at the age of 14 on 10-17-21 and my daughter is currently 14, they both inspire me to take my business to the next level, this is for them. Creating my first website is EPIC and just the beginning of a new chapter! I could go on and on but there's no need, you get the point.

Anyways, enough about me. I hope you enjoy what you see, I hope I can create an experience that you will grow to love, make a purchase, and build a lasting relationship. I look forward to creating a thing of beauty for you for any occasion and whatever may arise. 

Happy Shopping

Yours Truly,
